Monday, January 30, 2012

The OC


I've spent the last couple of days getting reacquainted with the characters of The OC. On one hand I am so sorry they cancelled this show but on other, they kinda did all they could do. Watching the first season for, oh I don't know maybe the fifth time, I suddenly realized what bitch Summer was, I mean a real, stuck up, annoying pain in the ass, don´t even know what the second coolest character on this show saw in her.  Marisa was also a pain, she was forever crying and begging for attention. Best thing the writers ever did was write her out of the show, even though she was one of the most popular characters. 

In my opinion the best character on this show was Sandy Cohen - and Seth Cohen a very close second. Both these characters brought a little comedy to program and plenty of good looks.   Peter Gallagher and Adam Brody are two of the most underrated actors in Hollywood, I really don't understand why they are not on TV more or in Movies. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Ramblings Of A Mad Woman!

It seems that there are paths in life that we take and choices we make. Why isn't there somebody to tell you which path to take, which way to go that is beneficial to you? Why do we have to learn from our mistakes, or  if there was only the one path and that was the good way then we couldn't go wrong could we, so why must things be made so difficult. 

Also who said we had to be Happy?  Because of these stupid so called paths we take and wrong choices we make its next to impossible to be happy, or are we supposed to pretend to be happy? What is happiness anyway? A smiley face, a feeling of joy and contentment?  How often do any of us really feel that way? Most of us have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, we complain about having to go to work, then rush home to cook dinner, take care of kids and organize homework, clothes for the next day etc. Once all this is done we fall exhausted in to our beds and do the very same thing the next day -were is the happiness in that?  But without that we have no food on our tables, no children in our lives or anything to complain about!  The happy part they say comes when the children have grown up and gone out on their own, but in reality you just worry more about your kids when they are grown coz at least when they are small and under age you can actually try to  control what they do, well nearly always. Happy times are of course also had with the kids at home, but not on a daily basis - these moments are kept for special occasions like Christmas and birthdays, the rest of the year you spend yelling and cajoling your kids do pick up after themselves, eat their food without messing about and nag nag nag about doing homework. This cannot be a happy time for a child either! 

Dr. Seuss - Top Ten Favorites.

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go" -Dr. Seuss, I can Read With My Eyes Shut!

Dr. Seuss has been an inspiration to millions of people around the world, children and adults a like . His books have been translated in to many different languages and from the 46 books he wrote here are my top ten. 











Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Yesterday the Oscar Nominations were announced and I was somewhat surprised at the choice of Best Picture. How can The Artist get best picture nomination? If it was about the "Picture"  perhaps they would deserve it but come on we all know the "Best Picture" Oscar is not just about the actual picture which it would need to be in this case, but about the whole picture. The story, the transformation of that story to film, and of course the acting,  watching the actors become these characters, not just through mannerisms and pantomime but the  lines they deliver and how they deliver them. Would we really all love George Clooney if he just motioned his way through a movie and never uttered a word - probably!  Just kidding-of course not, we want to see the actors act.

 A group of movie goers in Liverpool actually demanded a refund after sitting through twenty minutes of The Artist they were gob smacked that there was no dialogue. Okay I will admit that is a little ridiculous they really should have known a little more about the movie they had chosen to see first. But hey who can blame them, you just don´t expect to go into a Cinema these days and suddenly realize you have been taken back to the 1920's. 

The art of motion picture in the "Silent era" was between 1894 -1929.  "Silent films" were replaced by "talking pictures in the late 1920's and known as talkies. Well I say lets leave those "silent films" back in the that era and enjoy the talking pictures, and lets hope the Academy will vote for a "Talkie", and there are some great one's to choose from. Moneyball, The Help, Hugo and the Descendants to name but  a few. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Grey´s Anatomy

Grey´s Anatomy has to be one of the best shows on TV and has been for the past seven years.  I've have spent the past four days watching from season one to season four and I have laughed, cried, cringed, looked away and been very afraid. It has made me sad, happy, critical, angry and downright annoyed at times, but I love em all.  

I couldn't possibly choose a favorite character. Meredith is sometimes very sweet and smart and other times "seriously annoying" and whiney. At times I find I just want to shake her and tell her to get over herself. Except when she slept with George, then I wanted to hurt her. George is so great, he is the guy everyone loves, (except Alex -jealous thing going on there) he is the best friend, confidante, and all around good guy and so deserved a much better exist than what he got. Alex on the other hand is an arrogant son of a bitch who uses his painful past to hurt others, but we still love him. Not only did he manage to get with stuck up Addison, and become good at his job but he tells it like it is and the truth although painful at times is very necessary. Izzie on the other hand  a hopeless romantic and rather foolish at times broke our hearts when she cut the Lvad wires on the heart patient Denny Ducet  (dishy one he was pity he is always dying or dead in shows though (Weeds) - rather far fetched television but riveting at the same time. Then we have Christian yang, I can only say comic relief midst all the drama, she is the funny yet dramatic and driven. But the character I think deserves the most credit is Bailey she is feisty and rules the roost, even when Callie go the better of her and won the Chief Resident position, no prob's for Bailey she whipped that job right from under her nose. 

There are so many moving episodes, not just the one's that make you cry, like the Denny Ducet saga, or the kid buried in cement, or when Alex finally realizes he can no longer help Rebecca (Ava) but the relationships between the friends is often quite touching and leaves you wondering what would you do in that situation. There were some great quotes on the show too.

"People who suffer the most are the ones who don't know what they want" Meredith Grey
"We're Adults, when did that happen? And how do I make it stop? Meredith Grey

"If I miss a real procedure because of this case, they're gonna call me 007 because I killed you" Christina Yang

"Its not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, its better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb, even when your whole body is aching to come clean. So you shut your mouth, keep your secret, and find other ways to keep yourself happy." Meredith Grey.

"My head is full" Katie Bryce
"That's called thinking, go with it" Meredith Grey

Clearly too many quotes to mention here. I hope this show continues so we can see what happens to the characters especially Lexie, Mark, Callie and Arizona, Christina, Alex and of course Bailey, Derek and Meredith, and bring back Izzie we wanna know what she's been up too! 
