Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Ramblings Of A Mad Woman!

It seems that there are paths in life that we take and choices we make. Why isn't there somebody to tell you which path to take, which way to go that is beneficial to you? Why do we have to learn from our mistakes, or  if there was only the one path and that was the good way then we couldn't go wrong could we, so why must things be made so difficult. 

Also who said we had to be Happy?  Because of these stupid so called paths we take and wrong choices we make its next to impossible to be happy, or are we supposed to pretend to be happy? What is happiness anyway? A smiley face, a feeling of joy and contentment?  How often do any of us really feel that way? Most of us have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, we complain about having to go to work, then rush home to cook dinner, take care of kids and organize homework, clothes for the next day etc. Once all this is done we fall exhausted in to our beds and do the very same thing the next day -were is the happiness in that?  But without that we have no food on our tables, no children in our lives or anything to complain about!  The happy part they say comes when the children have grown up and gone out on their own, but in reality you just worry more about your kids when they are grown coz at least when they are small and under age you can actually try to  control what they do, well nearly always. Happy times are of course also had with the kids at home, but not on a daily basis - these moments are kept for special occasions like Christmas and birthdays, the rest of the year you spend yelling and cajoling your kids do pick up after themselves, eat their food without messing about and nag nag nag about doing homework. This cannot be a happy time for a child either! 

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